Producer ($1000 and up)
Eichhorn & Eichhorn LLP
Munster Booster Club
Terry and Karen McMahon
Director ($500.00-$999.99)
SCM Investment Services
Thomas W Daniels & Co,, P.C.
Stage Manager ($200.00-$499.99)
Chamberlain Family
Lewers Family
Richard and Pamela Leet
Lead Performer ($100.00-$199.99)
Bottiger Family
Dr. Ingrid Schwarz Wolf
Harle Family
Hayes Family
Jeffrey Dettlo--Springer Realty
Munster Donut
Sal's Expert Gutters, Inc.
Sharyn Chamberlain
Utterback Family
Supporting Actor ($50.00-$99.99)
Anderson & Anderson, P.C.
Gogolak-Kolbert Family
Kevin and Jenna Parker (MTC, '05)
Ensemble Member ($30.00-$49.00)
Jeanne & John Tsolakos
Lois McClaughry
The annual patron drive for Munster Theatre Company helps to underwrite our season. Non-musicals cost around $1000 to buy scripts and purchase the rights to perform the play; musicals cost around $3000! That is before we build a set, make costumes or props, or create a special effect!
And we do more than just produce plays! Here is a rundown of what we have accomplished in the last year:
Provided opportunities in our productions for over 100 students both on stage and behind the scenes
Staged Shakespeare on our stage for the first time in our history
Collaborated with our middle school troupe to present our annual improv show
Won our THIRD CONSECUTIVE Regional Title with The Yellow Boat
Place THIRD at State with The Yellow Boat (our second year placing in the top three)
Advanced students to the International Thespian Festival in the International Thespian Excellence Awards
Represented Indiana at the International Thespian Festival with The Yellow Boat
Coached juniors and seniors to earn over $100,000 in scholarship offers from college theatre programs
Had some of our largest audiences in years with our spring production of Footloose
Continued to expand our summer camp for rising 6th through 9th grade students
And of course, we have a history of placing at State and International competitions!
Your tax deductible donation helps to keep our ticket prices low. In addition, 25% of your contribution is set aside to offset our students' costs to attend the Indiana Thespians State Conference and the International Thespian Festival, where they showcase their talents among the best in the state and the world!
Donations can be made at the following levels:
Ensemble Member (Contributions of $30.00-$49.99)
Supporting Actor (Contributions of $50.00-$99.99)
Lead Performer (Contributions of $100.00-199.99)
Stage Manager (Contributions of $200.00-499.99)
Director (Contributions of $500.00-$999.99)
Producer (Contributions of $1000.00 or more)
In return, we will publish our patrons on our website, on all tickets purchased in advance, and in our programs. And if you donate $200 or more, you will receive TWO complimentary tickets to each of our three scripted shows in our season!